
The GitHub ABCs admin training with templates, examples, hands-on labs and additional learning resources.

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1 - Introduction to Repository Webhooks and Events

In this lab you will create and test webhooks and events

Duration: 5-10 minutes


1.1 Add repository webhook

  1. Open a new browser window and go to:
  2. Create a new channel by clicking on the button Start a new channel
  3. Copy the Webhook Proxy URL
  4. Navigate to the Settings > Webhooks page of your own repository
  5. Click on Add webhook
  6. Paste the copied webhook proxy url into the field Payload URL
  7. Change the Content type to application\json
  8. Select Send me evertyhing for the events to trigger this webhook
  9. Click Add webhook
  10. You should see a new webhook added to your repository
  11. Click on Edit button for the recently added webhook
  12. Switch to Recent Deliveries tab to see the ping event generated with the webhook creation
  13. Investigate the headers and the payload
  14. Navigate back to your webhook delivery channel created on step 2)
  15. (Optional) Create an issue, push code, open a pull request, add a label to see the triggered events and to investigate the payloads.